Making and sustaining diet and lifestyle changes can be challenging.
As a health coach, I partner with you on your journey. We start by exploring what is most important to you, what moves you and what helps you thrive. We uncover your greatest strengths and the key motivators that will help you succeed. Then I guide you in creating your vision for wellness, setting goals and developing action plans tailored to your unique needs.

Health & Wellness Coaching
Combining the art of coaching with positive psychology and functional wellness approaches, we will work together to explore the lifestyle changes you are ready to make. We may work on healthy eating, exercise, reducing stress, enhancing sleep -- wherever you need some help to overcome obstacles and stay motivated to reach wellness.

Thrive in Menopause
If you suffer from mind and body symptoms related to perimenopause and menopause, you are not alone! Dealing with the stress of this major hormonal shift is no picnic. Coaching can help you sort through conflicting information and provide caring support to help you to not only survive -- but thrive -- during this important transition in life.
Optimize Brain Health
Aging and stress can both bring cognitive challenges. Whether you want to stay sharp, have concerns about memory issues or are caring for a loved one who is experiencing cognitive decline, coaching can help. I coach independetly and I'm also a Certified ReCODE Coach for the Apollo Health program based Dr. Dale Bredesen's groundbreaking research.
Meet Jennifer
National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach
ReCODE 2.0 Certified Coach
I’ve been coaching clients in private practice since 2017. I received my health coach training from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and my Bachelor of Science in Communication from Northwestern University. In addition to my national board certification and functional medicine certification, I'm also a Certified HeartMath Practitioner and a ReCODE 2.0 Certified Coach trained in Dr. Dale Bredesen's approaches for the prevention of cognitive decline.
I love health and wellness coaching because I enjoy connecting with people in a way that brings them joy and enables them to feel a sense of accomplishment. I was initially drawn to functional medicine for its science-based, systems approach to mind-body wellness and to positive psychology for its unwavering focus on the goodness and capability in all people. These are the underpinnings of my approach to coaching.